Igniter Canister

Our products

Product Description

It consist of 5 different parts with 5 different materials (Steel, Carbon phenolic, Silica phenol formaldehyde, Silicon rubber and PUF).

Igniters that can withstand the full burn duration of the rocket motor without getting ejected or thrown out are preferred. Igniter canister is having outside thermal protection. Thermal insulation to remain intact during 15-25s of burning duration.

The insulating material protects the internal metal canister even after charring and mechanical erosion. During the complete burn duration of the motor, the igniter sustains the severe thermal environment.

This part fabrication process involves Machining, Composite Compression Moulding/ Winding/ Lay-up, Curing and Bonding etc.

Contact Us

SY No. 1/1 of Imarath Kancha, Plot No. 38/B, Hardware Park,
Mahaswaram Mandal, Raviryala Village, Ranga Reddy, Telangana - 500005,

+91-98662 25483


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